أمراض الغدد الصماء والأيض

أمراض الغدد الصماء والأيض

Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism is providing professional medical service including early screening, diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders-diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, bone metabolic disorder, pituitary disease, adrenal gland disorder, obesity, dyslipidemia, senile disorder etc. We institute several special clinics for effective treatment and provision of professional medical service with best quality clinic of diabetes, clinic of thyroid disease, clinic of osteoporosis. Especially for diabetic patients, we operate diabetic school and educate patients and their families with many programs. Through these programs, we anticipate the patients to understand the attribute of disease and to increase the ability for self-management. Since 1981, running “diabetic camp” annually, we assist many diabetic patients to be educated of managing DM. Finally, Division of endocrinology and Metabolism takes pride in providing the newest, appropriate medical service for many outpatients and inpatients, with the newest devices.


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