جراحة المخ والأعصاب

جراحة المخ والأعصاب

The mission of the Department of Neurosurgery is the advancement of the specialty of neurosurgery through the interrelated efforts of resident training, patient care and clinical and laboratory research. The department is committed to provide the highest quality of neurosurgical care for patients who have an illness or injury that affects the brain, spine, or peripheral nerves. We offer the full range of modern neurosurgical techniques, including cerebrovascular surgery, brain tumor surgery, skull-base surgery, spinal surgery, stereotactic surgery, gamma knife radiosurgery, pediatric neurosurgery, craniofacial reconstructive surgery, functional neurosurgery, and neuroendovascular surgery. Our department has a well-equipped laboratory space of basic science, as well as facilities for clinical research. The four-year neurosurgery residency program focuses on providing broad academic, clinical and research experiences. We also offer a fellowship for residents interested in further specialization.


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