طبّ التأهيل البدني

طبّ التأهيل البدني

Physical and rehabilitation medicine mainly focuses on neuro-musculo-skeletal functionology and contributes research and study to the improvement of social reintegration and life of quality by enhancing ADLs (Activities of Daily Livings). For this purpose, we have deeply interests in Cancer rehabilitation, Neuro-rehabilitation, Pain rehabilitation, Geriatric rehabilitation, Pediatric rehabilitation, and Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. And we have not only general rehabilitative therapeutic rooms of Physical therapy, Pediatric neuro-developmental therapy, Exercise therapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy, Walking pool hydrotherapy, and ADLs training but also special laboratory rooms of Neurophysiologic excercise including Electromyogram-Biofeedback training system and, Electrodiagnosis I (for electromyography study) and II (for evoked potential study) for the diagnosis and management of muscle and nerve diseases, and Digital infrared thermography for the evaluation of neruo-musculo-skeletal pain and outcome.


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