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الطبّ النووي

الطبّ النووي

Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty involving the application of radioactive substances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease through visualization, characterization, and quantification of biologic processes at the cellular and subcellular levels.
1) Diagnostic medical imaging using SPECT, SPECT/CT and PET/CT devices by intravenous injection of radiotracer
2) In vitro analysis with human serum (radioimmunoassay)
3) Radionuclide therapy for treatment of disease : hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, and hematologic disorders

  • Bom, Hee Seungالطبّ النووي
    Bom, Hee Seung
    مجال العلاجRadioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer PET/CT diagnosis of cancer and heart diseases
  • Min, Jung Joonالطبّ النووي
    Min, Jung Joon
    مجال العلاجPET using a variety of cancer early diagnosis, and treatment to determine recurrence Targeted cancer therapy
  • Kwon, Seong Youngالطبّ النووي
    Kwon, Seong Young
    مجال العلاجNuclear oncology, Therapeutic Nucleus Medicine
  • Kang, Se Ryungالطبّ النووي
    Kang, Se Ryung
    مجال العلاجGeneral nuclear medicine
  • Yoo, Su Woongالطبّ النووي
    Yoo, Su Woong
    مجال العلاجGeneral nuclear medicine, Nuclear oncology