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مركز الخرف وأمراض الدماغ التنكسية

مركز الخرف وأمراض الدماغ التنكسية

The Dementia & degenerative brain disease center at the Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital was established in 2004. The staff includes a neurologist, psychiatrist, neuro psychologist, and nurse. The center has a clinic and inpatient beds for assessments of dementia and management of behavioral problems, and provides a neuropsychological test, computerized neurocognitive test. The center can identify causes of dementia, set a treatment plan, and manage a demented patient appropriately. The center will furnish a comprehensive service, coordination of resources, promotion research, and finally, develop the model of community service programs for demented elderly.
Our center has been a leading center of dementia and degenerative disease management in cooperation with other dementia medical centers and social welfare organizations.