- 螺旋导航光子刀
- 达芬奇机器人手术系统
- Patient-Oriented High Performance Full-Body Scanning 3.0T-MRI
MAGNETOM Skyra 3.0T by Siemens is the MRI equipment with highly improved performance, which is recently introduced at CNUHH. It has presented the new standard for efficacy and service with installation of the latest technology and Dot engine through Tim 4G, the 4th generation Tim technology, to maximize the previous MRI performance, and is expected to highly improve stability in patient examinations. By realizing a more delicate and prompt test and an image with high resolution with the 3 Tesla, twice as much as 1.5 Tesla, the magnetic field for the previous MRI that is currently used in over 50% of domestic hospitals, it is a very efficient equipment in diseases requiring precise diagnosis such as diseases affecting the brain, blood vessels, and the heart. In addition, it increased compatibility with installation of the test coils per area, which were supplied from the outside manufacturing, now by the self-development of Siemens.
- 128 Channel Volume CT
CNUHH started treatment with the installation of ‘SOMATOM Definition Flash,’ the latest CT by Siemens of Germany in December 2010. This equipment presents the best shooting speed and the minimum radiation dose from the innovative technology called Flash Spiral, which is applied with the upgraded Dual Source and Dual Energy technology. It has not only the fastest examination speed among the latest CT scanners, but it can also conduct an accurate CT scan with only a small amount of radiation exposure by using the software to radically decrease the radiation dose, which has pointed out as a problem of CT scanners. Especially, for cardiac imaging tests, it could be used in the assessment of pre-operative cardiac diseases in more than a physical examination without concern of radiation exposure since images could be obtained by exposure to radiation decreased by 95% at maximum compared to radiation exposure with the previous CT.
- Robodoc
As the aging society has come, implanting damaged knee or hip joint with artificial joint is widespread. In response Chonnam national university Hwasun hospital introduces revolutionary high-tech medical equipment like Robodoc to solve the side effects and complications of the conventional surgery. A great accuracy is needed while implanting but with the conventional surgery there were many side effects and complications such as loose implant, fracture, dislocation or subluxation, and cartilage damage. This is because the accuracy got lowered since the operation was performed by eye measurement and using hands. Robodoc minimizes the pain since robot performs the operation with the accurate measuring and planning by the computer which brings no error more than 0.1mm. Our joint center uses high-tech 3D multi CT and computer for systemic diagnosis. We are also introducing Robodoc, which robot and skilled staffs both can operate, to boost the image of digital leading hospital and to offer the best medical services to the locals.
- Navigation
The navigation system first started from Germany and now it’s used in Europe including Germany and France for knee joint arthroplastic surgery. The results are better than those of conventional surgery so now the system is also available in states. In Korea, Eun Kyoo Song, M.D. who is a specialist of Orthopedic surgery , started using this system for the very first time and now approximately 9 university hospitals and joint specialized clinics are using the system. Japan is also preparing to introduce this system as well. The navigation system can be used to patients who needs joint arthroplastic surgery due to osteoarthritis and osteonecrosis of knee or hip joint. It is more often used to patients with severe deformity which can’t be treated by joint arthroplastic surgery. Most of the devices used now is 4.0 version but our joint center is using 4.4 version which can give more accurate axis of the lower limbs.
- Linear Accelerator
With the opening of the Cancer Center at CNUHH, the latest 3D and 4D Conformal Therapy has become possible at the Department of Radiation Oncology. With the introduction of the Linear Accelerator (term for an external radiotherapy tool) installed with 80~120 MLCs (multileaf collimator), it was possible to select various shapes of therapeutic portal images from various angles. The therapy called 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3-DCRT) is a radiotherapy method to irradiate radiation selectively only at the cancer site without damaging the normal tissue of our body. Recently, Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is developed and used. With the conventional radiotherapy, it was impossible for radiotherapy with high dose on the tumor surrounding the normal tissue, but with IMRT, it could overcome the radiation sequelae and disorder by allowing the radiation therapy only on the tumor while minimizing the radiation dose on the normal tissue.
- 伽玛刀
- StealthStation S7TM
It is applied with the Navigation that locates a vessel or vehicle using a satellite to brain surgery, and it is the latest high-tech surgical tool to eliminate a lesion while minimizing the damage to the nerve or vessel by real-time viewing of the site of a lesion during brain surgery. The Brain & Spinal Cord Tumor Clinic at CNUHH has performed the largest number of surgeries; about 3000 cases in brain tumor patients since the first introduction of the brain navigation system (VectorVision 2) in Korea in 2000, and ungraded to the latest model, the StealthStation S7 system, in 2012. With the newly introduced StealthStation S7 system, it is possible to perform more delicate surgeries since it allows during the surgery to use a special image which was taken before the surgery, and also in connection with the latest operating microscope unlike the previous navigation system in which only a simple image could be used.
- Fusion PET, Positron Emission Tomography
PET/CT is a medical imaging device which combines both a positron emission tomography (PET) scanner and a computed tomography (CT) scanner, so that metabolic or biochemical activity in the body can be visualized more effectively through the correlation of functional information obtained by PET and anatomic information obtained by CT scanning. For the evaluation of metabolic activity, radiopharmaceuticals that emit positron are administered intravenously and then imaging is acquired on PET/CT. Radioisotopes, which composed of radiopharmaceuticals, are usually produced using cyclotron. Both PET/CT and cyclotron were introduced in Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital at the same time and several kinds of radioisotope (e.g., F-18, C-11, N-13) are currently produced in our hospital and used in patient care. Glucose metabolism in cancer cells is significantly increased compared to normal cells and the distribution of cancer cells can be visualized throughout the human body when the radioisotope-labeled glucose is injected in cancer patients. Thereby PET/CT has contibuted to the evaluation of cancer stage or dicision of treatment plan, such as surgery or radiation therapy in cancer patients. In addition, PET/CT is useful for the diagnosis of dementia or ischemic heart disease and it is expected to be helpful in the diagnosis of various diseases in the near future.