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2022 12.28 Acquisition of the '4th Anniversary Medical Institution Certification'
12.20 Full-Recovery Festival for Pediatric Cancer, Leukemia, and Rare Disease Patients
10.25 ~ 10.28 4th anniversary medical institution certification evaluation
10. Introduction of Artificial Joint Surgery Robot 'MAKO'
09. Received the '2022 Love and Sharing Social Contribution Award' from the Minister of Health and Welfare
09. Selected as the 'World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2023' by Newsweek for the third consecutive year
08.08 Declaration of 'Healthy & Harmony (CNUH² Healthy & Harmony)' ESG management
07.13 Groundbreaking for the 'Open Medical Innovation Center' leading the bio-healthcare and future medical industry
06.02 Opening of the 'Convenient Injection Room' for patient convenience
04.26 18th Anniversary commemorative symposium, 'Leap into the Best Bio-Medical Cluster in Asia'
04.26 18th Anniversary commemorative ceremony
04.01 Full-scale operation of the next-generation hospital information system 'e-SMART'
04. Received the Medical Asia Award at the Gamma Knife Center
03.02 Professor Jung Yong-yeon appointed 10th General Director and CEO of Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital
02. Achievement of over 1,000 cases of Da Vinci robot surgeries... 300 cases annually
01.25 'Public Health and Medical Collaboration System in the Jeollanamdo Region' in operation