본문 바로가기


바로가기 서비스


International Medical Center


To advertise the international competitiveness of the medical skills of the region and attract foreign patients, CNU Hwasun Hospital has opened the first International Medical Center in the Gwangju/Chonnam region. The International Medical Center is ready to serve foreign residents, travelers, and/or visitors from all around the world and provides guidance and translation services to multi-cultural families in need of treatment in order to increase patient satisfaction.

Current Status of International Medical Center

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근무인원 안내

다음 표는 인력, 연락처, 비고으로 구성되어 있는 근무인원 안내입니다.

Staff Contact Etc.
Office Director
Nurse (English coordinator)
Coordinator (Russian)

061) 379-7892
061) 379-7895
Fax : 061) 379-7894
Out of office Interpreter/Coordinator by language
(Chinese, Mongolian, Vietnamese, etc.)
e-mail :
Major Services
interpretation, notice of treatment plan, sending offer(including estimated medical cost), VISA documents, notice of admission date, patient transportation, admission process, Informed consent form, hospital guidance, preparing medical records, discharge process, account balance of medical charges, Follow-up after discharge, Insurance Claim, support medical tourism
Computer, Internet, Fax, copy, telephone, TV
Treatment Process

Treatment Process

  • Visitation : If you visit the International Medical Center(1st floor, in the lobby), we will guide you to the clinic.
  • Appointment : You can make an appointment by hospital website, telephone, fax, or email.
  • Contact :
  • Hospital Hours
    • Weekdays (except holidays) : 08:30 - 17:30
    • Weekends : Close
  • Your doctor/physician will make arrangements for your admission to hospital, considering operation schedule which is available for you.
  • Admission process is done in the Department of Patients’ Affairs. After signing ‘Medical Contract Form’, you will be escorted to the assigned ward and get hospital admission guide from your nurse.
  • What to Bring : toiletries(such as towel, toothbrush/toothpaste, soap, tissue, etc.) and personal items(such as slippers, cup, etc.)
  • Your physician will determine when you’re discharged from the hospital. Upon discharge, the hospital staffs will explain the discharge process to you.
  • Discharge is done after paying medical charges. If you need follow-up appointments, you need to make an appointment in advance.
  • Upon discharge, you are given personal items and discharge medicine.
Emergency Services
  • 24/7(24 hours a day, 7 days a week) emergency services are available. In need of interpretation, please contact us.
  • CNU Hwasun Hospital provides VISA documents to overseas patients in need of treatments.